Bit confused

So I tested positive on Monday, and it said 1-2 weeks on clear blue, I missed my whole period in may which was supposed to be at the end, I tested everyday through my period and it was negative, the midwife rang yesterday and said I’m just shy of 6 weeks I don’t understand how this works
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How many days post ovulation are you?

@Rebecca nearly a month according to my flow

Hcg may be to high to register

1-2 for clear blue usually means 3-4 weeks pregnant. What could have happened is you ovulated late or the amount of HCG may be just a little too low for it to go to 2-3 or 3+. It is unfortunately not a great method to determine much in relation to dates. If you can, I’d do a B-HCG test to see how much HCG is actually in the blood and it shows more accurately how far along you are. On the NHS they’ll go from the first day of your last period before your 12w scan, and then they’ll tell you another due date that usually changes the date of conception ever so slightly (in my case, meant I was almost 2 weeks ahead).

@Charlie this is interesting and confusing!! I’m in the same position with missing my whole period. Almost a month after my ovulation and my tests are still negative… did you have sex 2-3 weeks ago from now? If so I’d guess you ovulated then instead of when Flo predicted you did? X

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