Think I might be pregnant

I am 6 weeks postpartum and I think I might be pregnant again. When I found out I was pregnant my husband got called into work so I was by myself so I’m wondering if I should have my husband with me when I test. Because if it’s positive I know he would want to e there but if it’s negative I think he would be sad because he wants me to be pregnant
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Possibly get the test and wait until hubby is home

I’m shocked he wants kids so close together ! But hope you all get the result you want . Good luck

Wait for him and keep us updated too! The baby now has several aunties 😂❤️

@Kenzie Sorry it took me so long to update. Well we took a test and it was positive so we were happy but I started getting really bad cramping and bleeding so we went to the hospital and they said I lost the new baby. As much as we were happy to find out we were pregnant again even though it was so soon after having our daughter I guess it just wasn’t meant to be yet.

So sorry for your loss it will happen again when your body is ready 💖 best wishes

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