Is this possible?!

So after a miscarriage with a D&C on the 22nd of May I’ve had positive tests, line appears to be darkening. I think I’ve had negative tests beforehand but I keep seeing lines even if they’re not there. Just wanting to know likelihood of new pregnancy.
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There’s a slim chance it could be a new pregnancy but typically a D&C throws your cycle out of whack afterwards until you get your first period back. Maybe you ovulated again and if you had sex in that time could’ve got pregnant again, keep testing. Most people test positive 2-4 weeks after a D&C. I tested positive for 3 weeks. It got fainter but then darker again then disappeared x

Do you recall if they told you to do another pregnancy test 3-4 weeks after the surgery? And if it’s still positive you call the telephone number they gave you (should be on the info sheet) A positive test after D/C could mean a few things: Your hormones haven’t settled yet (can take months after any pregnancy regardless of how long they are for) Could mean you still have pregnancy tissue in your womb and will need another D&C or of course small chance but could mean your pregnant again (depending on your periods and ovulation date etc) I’d call the number you were given to speak to them first and foremost as that’s what you should have been told to do….

I was still testing positive after my losses for like 4 weeks

I’ve had a d&c back in June 2021 didn’t end up getting pregnant again until October 2022 it ended it spontaneous miscarriage, I literally ended up getting pregnant again 2 weeks later no period my son is now 1 , I just had a miscarriage last month on 5/13 tested negative on 5/28 and went in for more testing and found out on 6/04 I’m pregnant again at only 3 weeks 😅 so definitely possible to get pregnant very soon just depends if you ovulate soon after. Which I always do!!

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