HcG numbers

I’m so nervous. I could be anywhere between 4 and 6 weeks as conceived before having a period after MC. I had some spotting (very minimal) and went to EPU. My HcG came back at 82 and now I’m panicking that it’s sooooo low. I have another blood test booked for 48hrs later but I’m just so worried it’s not going to be good. Has anyone had HcG this low and it’s just turned out to be earlier than expected?
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The best thing to do is Take a digital test a clear blue it will tell you how many weeks 1-2 is 3-4 weeks 2-3 is 4-5 weeks 3+ is 5+ weeks

@Laura these are notoriously unreliable so I won’t be doing that. I’m asking for advice on HcG numbers and people’s experiences.

Honestly don’t worry too much about the numbers (easier said than done I know) but as long as they are doubling every 48hrs is the main thing! You won’t really know what you’re looking at until your next draw. It’s normal to have low hCG you could have conceived later than expected. I’ve got my fingers crossed for you! Xx

@Georgie thank you. My head knows this but my heart is so worried 😢 xx

I got my bloods taken at 4wk 1 day (13dpo) and hcg was 143 so not much higher than yours. I was told there can be huge variation pregnancy to pregnancy and the number itself doesn't really matter as long as its doubling every 24hrs! I'm getting mine redrawn today and hoping I'm in the 300s!

I was only trying to give advice

I’m going through a similar situation could you message me pls x

@Jayne let us know how you get on!

Just heard back and my hcg has jumped from 143 to in the 400s! I can't remember the exact number but I burst into tears from sheer relief. Early scan booked for 2 weeks and praying we see something 🤞🏻🙏🏼✨️

@Jayne that’s amazing new!

Hope you have a similar result!!

This sounds similar to me and it’s looking ok so far! Good luck!

How are you xx

@Helen it was an ectopic pregnancy, currently under medicated treatment to try and prevent my tube rupturing

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