How long did everyone keep taking progesterone after a positive test?

I had a natural FET on 31st May and have been told to take the progesterone until it runs out which is Monday. Feeling mixed emotions as I can’t wait to stop them but then worry my body won’t produce enough on its own 🤷🏼‍♀️
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I was told I have to take them until 12 weeks if I get a positive.

They said they only advise to do that if it was a fresh transfer or a medicated frozen transfer. What did you have? X

I was the same… I was told I can stop taking it after my positive test but I paid for extra and took it until at least 12 weeks x

I had a FET and was told to stop taking it after 12 weeks 🙂x

@Jess I have paid for an extra week but that’s all they would give me 🤷🏼‍♀️

I had a FET and my clinic wanted me to keep taking up until my 8 week scan with them. I then ended up talking more due to bleeding

I had a fresh transfer and my clinic were happy for me to stop taking them after my 7 week and 6 day scan - however I carried on taking them till 10 weeks as I spoke with some other clinics and alot of clinics advise 10 weeks for a fresh transfer and 12 weeks for a frozen transfer- wishing you all the best xxx

My clinic initially said to 8 weeks that was 3x a day but they’ve now told me to take them to 12 weeks 2x a day. Mine was a frozen transfer

I spoke to my clinic today and they said because mine was natural frozen and I had a good size follicle when I ovulated so I will have a well functioning corpus luteum there is no need but I can if i want to up until my first scan

I took them for 12 weeks after the positive test. Stopping was slightly terrifying but all was ok :) x

I have to take them until 10 weeks and mine was a frozen transfer

I did 12 weeks for my frozen

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