Yeah I'm scared. I'm first time mom also and I'm being told all this stuff that I still have to do and about taking care of breast milk but of course no one gives advice.
I think that's one of the reasons im conflicted about being pregnant. Am I ready for the baby to be out, with so many changes ahead? It is scary because life will never be the same.
Scared but ready.... This pregnancy has not been easy here at the end. So much harder than my first.... It's no joke that two makes it twice as hard 😢
I went into labor and gave birth 2 weeks early. I’m very blessed I had a speedy and uncomplicated birth. And my baby is so wonderful and beautiful I can’t stop staring at his beautiful face. So I’m like not all missing being pregnant. I have my body back and it’s not like my baby boy is gone he’s just here on the outside. The relief on your body once they come out is immediate. No more waddling! Now when it comes to postpartum recovery. This shit is HARD. I had basically 4 hours of active labor in the hospital(just enough time to get an IV and Epidural) before they pope my water and I almost immediately started pushing and had him out in 15mins. The dr was so surprised he said I barely had any tearing for a first time mom and most usually push for an hour or two. But even with that “easy birth”(note. Get the epidural it’s so worth it) my coochie does hurt especially when I pee and every time I cough or laugh I leak. I literally change the baby’s diaper then my own 😭
Now emotionally I had a rough birth cause issues with my bd. But you are so emotional after you will just randomly break into tears or snap on family members. Because your hormones are changing so rapidly. Many times I’ve thought “I can’t believe this thing was inside of me” but not once have I thought “I wish he was still inside of me”. Postpartum woes and all I wouldn’t change anything I’m so happy to have my son. And I’m SO HAPPY to not be carrying all that weight and pressure on my hips and back. Contractions/cramping after birth sucks but it’s normal with your uterus shrinking back to normal.
I've been having some complications as I get to the end. So I'm definitely on team let's get this baby out so I can stop going to so many doctors appointments. Lol Also it seems like we might both be healthier with him on the outside. That said I'm definitely not as ready as I'd like to be.
@Rezalynn thank you for sharing your story. Congrats on your baby boy. Nice you hear you had an uncomplicated birth. I wish the same for myself but only time will tell.
I'm a little scared to be honest..I'm a first time mom and I'm currently 36 weeks and 1 day and as it gets closer, I know in my gut she's not gonna come early and others have asked if I'm done yet.. honestly I'm patient and as long as she's healthy, that's all that matters to me.. I'm just scared for what my partner and I relationship will be after she is here..I'm sure we'll be fine because we communicate but still it scares me