Indent/Evap line or positive?

Hi guys I’m not sure if this is an indent line or positive test, I had bleeding last week which I’m not sure if it was my period or possibly implantation bleeding. It came before my period was due, was very light and seemed to stop and start again over a few days but shorter than my normal period. I’m thinking it’s an indent because something about it just looks off to me! Anyway let me know what you think! Thanks!
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Looks positive but it’s a bit faint at the bottom, if you can test with a 6 day early one! Xx

I’m not entirely convinced by that line as it seems too close to the control line and also isn’t even all the way down. Hopefully it’s just a super early positive 🤞 test again in a couple of days to give the hcg a chance to double if it’s there! X

It seems very close to the control line Try another test

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