I’ve heard bad things when it comes to taking the coil out if fitted at the same time as your c-section. Heard it is better to wait for a few weeks and get it fitted normally - but this is not personal experience
I heard that as likely to fall out will ask midwife when next see her
I’m having the injection in the hospital before I’m sent home then booked in for the coil once I’ve recovered
Coil for me xx
Nothing, I don't like any of the methods, I'll just time my ovulation and hope for the vest
I got the copper coil about 3 months after, but it did bring my periods back 😢 @Galina how can you time your ovulation? Your period may not come back for some time?
@Galina unfortunately not option with my pcos which will likely return after birth my periods are hit and miss
@Rosie I also have pcos but I am able to tell apart the luteal and follicular phases. You can perhaps use ovulation test just to be sure.
@Leyla I don't think I'll be having sex before my period comes back anyway. Last time it took 6 weeks and I was so preoccupied with other things that sex was the last thing on my mind.
@Galina fair enough, mine didn’t come back for 8ish months so I couldn’t have relied on that
I’m sure I’ve heard that you can get the coil at the same time as your c section. Maybe ask your midwife/consultant to see if it’s possible