My period usually spot at 12 and full force at 13 today I am 13 dpo and constipated and been feeling a little nauseous
Not experiencing implantation bleeding is actually more common! I always started testing by 8 dpo (which is dumb lol) but definitely xan start testing by 12-14dpo
@Grace no it’s not! I got a positive at 8dpo once!!!
I tested two weeks after my ovulation day and it came back really light but positive. So I tested again in a week and it was super dark and positive. So two to three weeks.
Thank you ladies I took a test and it’s positive
I tested the week before my periods and got start negatives. I never got a positive test until the day my period was due or the day after
Im currently 12dpiui and I have been testing since 7dpiui which have so far resulted in BFN