
I just got off birth control (the pill) three months ago. My period was regular in April, and May. Like to the T. And now it’s June and I had sex (after ovulation) and somehow I’m 10 days late. I’m supposed to ovulate this week now, I’m 21 days past my previous ovulation. Every test I’ve taken were NEGATIVE. Below is the list of brands I used. Only ONE was a faint positive but I took digitals and more tests, and all were negative. Plus it could have been an evap too. Will I still be ovulating?? Has this happened to anyone else? What’s going on? Equate red dye - 3 Equate blue dye - 1 Hcg sticks (got form WIC) - 2 Clear blue digital - 3
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While I was on birth control my periods were also regular!!

If you have already ovulated, then you won't ovulate again until after you have a period. If you are late, you probably just ovulated late. If you weren't tracking ovulation with LH tests or BBT, then I don't think there's really any way for you to know if you've ovulated yet or not. You could start testing now in case it still hasn't happened. I had 2-3 normal cycles when I first came off birth control (also the pill) as well. But then mine got all crazy/super long. For a while, I had about 40-42 day cycles. It took me about a year and a half from when u first came off the pill to get back to a more normal, 30 day cycle. I have heard that the pill can really mess with your cycle for some people, and apparently, that was true for me. FYI, when you were on the pill, those weren't periods, just withdrawal bleeds. An actual period requires ovulation, which the pill prevents. So that probably isn't a great indication of how your cycle will be.

@Taylor I didn’t know that! Thank you! I don’t have the strips I track it on an app.

OK, apps were useless for me in my post-pill phase (I still don't trust them now) since I was not ovulating on the same day each cycle. Just depends how much you care about actually knowing when you ovulate. You don't have to track with strips/bbt especially if you aren't too terribly worried about timing things correctly.

@Taylor I want to be pregnant I’ll do anything for it but I don’t know how to use the strips

The LH strips are very easy to use and come with detailed instructions. I'd suggest trying it out.

Do you mean your ovulation is late or your period is late?

@Karianne my period

If your period is late and you aren't pregnant, then chances are very high that ovulation was late. The time between ovulation and your period is almost always around 15 days. But your follicular phase (between your period and ovulation) can be super variable. It is often very different between different people and even between cycles for the same person.

@Taylor you’re so smart!!! Thank you for spelling this information out, I have truly been confused and guessing about what the time should be. 15 days is good to know!

15 was technically a typo. I meant 14 days. But really, 13-15 is a pretty reasonable range for the luteal phase. It won't vary much more than that. If your luteal phase is significantly shorter than that, you'd have trouble with implantation, so it's worth seeing a doctor.

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