So frustrated

At which point do I phone the doctors or get checked!? AF very late. Negative pregnancy tests Negative ovulation tests 😭
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How late? Usually the GP (in the UK) won't run any tests until it's at least 3 weeks late

5 days? Which is not normal for me

GP wouldn’t do anything for you unfortunately. I was 6 weeks late a few years back and they just told me it was stress and sent me away. Have you been tracking ovulation? Could be that you’ve just ovulated late. Could be stress, could be vitamins if you’ve started any new ones. So many things to take into account but I totally get it’s frustrating

😩. The wait is painful! Yes been tracking ovulation. I guess I just start again with tracking it and trying 😩

Girl I’m in the same boat. 2 weeks late negative tests but pregnancy symptoms. GP point blank refusing to help! 🫠

@Kim it’s so annoying! At this point I’m past caring for a positive test. I just want my period to come so I know there’s nothing wrong with me haha. What symptoms have you got?

@Katie I’ve had twinges in my lower tummy and cramping, acne which has come out of nowhere and extreme tiredness!

@Kim I’ve got cramps and they don’t feel like period cramps but I’ve had negative pregnancy tests for the last week and a bit!

@Katie oh bless you! Have you contacted your gp? Mine refused to give me a blood test!

@Kim no not yet. I don’t know if I can face an argument with the receptionist telling me no even though I know my body! Lol

You can always call your OB and ack for a blood HCG test, that’s probably about all they can do for you. Sometimes stress (especially the stress of TTC) can cause your cycles to be wacky

@Kristian Larger hi I’ve asked my doctor and they are refusing. I’m in the uk so healthcare isn’t the best! I’m not actually trying to conceive we’re just not avoiding if that makes sense. So there’s been no pressure just not sure why my period is so late this month!

My period is 4 days late and I have been cramping and having both clear and white discharge

@Tatyanna me too and as of today breast pain too! but negative test 2 days ago. Going to try again tomorrow morning!

I think I’ve officially had a missed period so I’m going to stop with pregnancy tests and just start again with tracking ovulation! 😞

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@Katie yeah me too. I’m now on cycle day 53 meaning it’s 7.5 weeks since my last period started! I’ve booked a private hcg blood test tomorrow as one last confirmation but all tests have been negative except one so I’ve not got high hopes!

@Kim who did you book that with? A private GP?

@Katie no sweet, a private maternity clinic. I’m based in Lincolnshire UK

@Kim ah okay! I’ve been debating whether to book with someone private but just worried what the tests will say. I really want to have a fertility MOT

How old are you?

Are your cycles regular?

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