Just a little rant

Me and my BF are moving this weekend except I work all weekend (fri, sat, sun) and he was able to get it off. I’m 34 weeks and really couldn’t help much anyway. He doesn’t have a lot of family or friends to help and I don’t either but my sister did offer to help and agreed to 10am today. Yesterday he went to his U-Haul (he has a lot of stuff so it’s in two different U-Haul storage bins) and loaded a massive truck. Now his plan was to load it bring it to the new place AND unload it (by himself) his father drove the truck because he’s qualified to drive a truck that large but he fought cancer and can’t do much else. I texted my sister yesterday because I felt horrible for my BF because he spent six hours loading the U-Haul and that’s all he had time for as it got late and our electric turns on Monday for the new place. She responded “this is what happens when you move it took me an entire week to move by myself don’t feel bad because he wants to get it done” idk why that just turned me off. He lived in a three bedroom apartment before this with actual dressers, couches etc. she’s always lived in a one bedroom with more of the like ikea furniture or plastic drawers you can get at Walmart and stuff. It just seems she keeps over and over saying how she has moved by herself before so many times this and that. Now idk if she will even be there today to help my BF by the tone of her response. She set firm boundaries with me in November and wouldn’t help me on one single day that I asked to help with my son. She said she needed to set boundaries with me because at the time things weren’t the best between my family and I and since then has let her boyfriend move in and they now have 6 pets in a tiny apartment because they’re all his, he only pays her 400 for rent never cleans and she pays majority of groceries. It’s a little sad that she had to set a boundary for me to see my child at a time I wasn’t able to see him, but let’s a random man from NY walk all over her like is he not deserving of boundaries? And back to the moving thing I had to move my son from his dads house, then again from my sisters house to a different place then again two more times I did it all myself as well but that’s nothing compared to what my boyfriend is doing now. I just feel like I’ve gotten so much better and stronger in life but am still lacking support m. And trust me I don’t need constant support I’ve picked myself up plenty times alone. It’s just the tone of her responses that get to me I get it I’ve made mistakes but my boyfriend is more than deserving of a few hours of help also I didn’t ask her she came to me and offered but now I just feel like she’s gonna set more boundaries today and leave him hanging. I don’t feel I have really ever asked for anything I never felt I deserved it because I struggled after leaving my first sons dad bad and wasn’t a good person for a while healing from trauma but that was also 7 years ago now when do I catch a break or do I constantly have to hear about it for life now and feel like a sht head
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Aww. It sucks that overall she's not supportive. She did offer to help for one day. I think it's okay that you asked her to do 2 days and it's okay that she said no. Hopefully she'll keep her word and rock up. If she doesn't, well, you will know she is not reliable.

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