I was there, and got pregnant the next month. You still feel great for 4-6 months, and then it goes down again. Unless you keep up with your workout, you should be solid. I on the other hand did not and am finally getting myself to be proactive postpartum . You got this though !
Wow you look great!
Girl 🔥 goals right there
Muscle has memory! Go for it! You’ll snap 🫰 back!
It's a struggle for sure 😥 I tried for each additional child when the previous one was 2.25-2.5 years old - making a 3 year age gap. Between pregnancy and 15 months of breastfeeding, that gave me a good year of having my body to myself before going through it again! I love my kids, but I'm glad to be done with the pregnancy part of my life lol