Sharing our success story

Hi ladies! I just wanted to share our success story that derived from extreme male factor infertility. My husband had 1% morphology, 0% motility (yes that's right, no moving sperm) AND low sperm count. We weren't sure if we could ever have kids. Well one IVF cycle and our first FET and I am currently 17 weeks pregnant with 4 other frozen embryos waiting to give this lady some siblings. If anyone in this group is facing the devastating news of male factor infertility, I'm here to talk and support. Especially those approaching IVF. It's really hard news to face especially since even though it's male factor, the women's body still has to go through all the rigors of IVF. Something she wouldn't normally have to do. It's taxing emotionally, mentally, physically and financially. But there is a light at the end of the tunnel and this little girl is going to have some bomb parents.
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Hi Molly Congratulations

Id love to know more about what investigations you and your husband had and what procedures you had to have ? What was the time frame for it all. 🙏

Hi! When you say investigations, do you mean what test did they run? Do you mean time frame from start of egg retrieval cycle to the day we found out we were pregnant?

Or do you mean from the start of meeting with a fertility doctor to finding out we are pregnant?

Hello Molly.. thanks for replying . I suppose what I mean is how did your husband have no moving sperm and 1% and ‘extreme ‘ male factor but still manage IVF? Presume it was ICSI? Obviously SO happy to hear but did you have something different or extra done ? Did he have a lot of sperm testing and investigation before you underwent IVF or did you just ‘go for it ‘! ? As I say I’m so happy for you but wonder how it was done !

They had to surgically extract mobile sperm from him testicle. No moving sperm we're in his ejaculation. However, a few were in the reserve in his testicles. So the day I had egg retrieval, he had something called TESE performed to extract them.

Ok! Understand: what a great result for you … hope it all goes fantastically!

Yeah! It was definitely a risk as the doc didn't know 100% if there were going to be any mobile sperm in the testicle. We weren't going to know until he went in there. So I had to do all the shots for egg retrieval hoping that we would get good news that day.

Hi Molly! Congratulations on your success! ♥️♥️ Thank you for also sharing your lovely story as I too have been struggling the news that we’ve recieved recently. Last week we recieved his DNA frag result and it is very high at 58% with only 9% of that sample was considered as healthy. We have a follow up consultation with an andrologist tomorrow to look at our options but we have been riddled with anxiety ever since we got our result last week. My husband now thinks he has a varicocele as he had been complaining of pain down there for a while but thought nothing of it. We know its not the end of the world for us but I guess TTC for 2yrs with a miscarriage to boot has not helped matters. Your story has given me hope and I wish you deliver a healthy baby soon! ♥️♥️♥️

@Karren Thank you so much for sharing your story. I can only imagine what you, your husband and you guys as a couple are going through. If you want to reach out - even message me after the appointment today, I'd be happy to talk about it. My husband had pulled a muscle down there right before we started trying to conceive and also experienced pain but turned out it had nothing to do with his results. His results were something genetic and the pain was a weird coincidence. If some of your options include IVF, icsi, TESSE, I can definitely talk you through it. It's a long battle but you guys will come out on top, stronger than ever.

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