HCG Levels

Hello ladies, Congrats on all your BFPs!! I was hoping to get some advice. Does anyone know about HCG levels? I am just barely 5 weeks and my blood test showed HCG over 8700... My HCG was 3700 48 hours before. Should I be worried or is this OK? Thank you!
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Hcg doubles or triples every 48 hours so that looks like it's going in the right direction. I've had my bloods done for a few weeks due to previous mc's and I went from 23 to 504 in one week, the following week it went 504 to 4106, and the following week from 4106 to 26307. So as long as they continue to rise that's a good sign :) The numbers will vary per person so the numbers being higher than yours shouldn't worry you, everyone is different and rise at different paces

Thanks so much Kimberly. Putting my mind at ease. I am getting more bloods done again tomorrow. Hopefully continue to rise. 🤞🤞 First time pregnant here - so much to learn! 😀

It’s quite high for 5 weeks, are you sure you’re 5 weeks? You could be a bit more?

How do you get these blood tests? Where can I have them ? My GP visit is in 10 days and I'm almost 6 weeks in.

@Di, my gp/epu done mines at my request due to how much anxiety I have about miscarrying like previous pregnancies. But they don't normally do them routinely. You can also have them done privately which is quite costly.

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