Measuring 5 weeks at 12 week scan

Hi everyone, I went for my 12wk scan earlier this week. As soon as she starting scanning I could sense something wasn’t right. They went on to complete an internal scan and could see a gestational sac measuring 5weeks. No heartbeat as it would be too early. They have assessed me as having a pregnancy of unknown viability and want me to come back next week. The doctor asked me if I could have my dates wrong but I just cannot understand how this would be possible. Has anyone experienced this? I’m assuming when I go back they will confirm a mmc and offer miscarriage management? I’m struggling to come to terms with the fact that this pregnancy ended 7weeks ago. I’ve had symptoms throughout and just wasn’t expecting this at all! Thanks everyone
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I haven’t had a similar situation but didn’t want to read and just scroll by. I’m really sorry you’re having this worry 💗 when did you first test positive? X

All the way back on the 7th May. I just can’t see how there’s anything remotely viable but also why has nothing happened yet?

I had a really similar situation at my 12 week scan my gestational sac measured 7 weeks and there was a yolk sac but no baby. They call it a blighted ovum or anembryonic pregnancy, perhaps this could be what's happening to you. I'm so sorry it's such a hard and confusing thing to deal with ❤️. They will rescan you next week to confirm and then offer you options.

I had an ultrasound at 8 weeks showing a good measurement and heartbeat. My second ultrasound earlier this week at 12 weeks pregnant showed no growth since the last ultrasound and no heartbeat. The baby had died shortly after my first ultrasound. I was shocked because I hadn’t had any bleeding or cramping and had thought the pregnancy was going well. I chose to take medication to induce the miscarriage as it was too hard for me to wait and stay pregnant with a baby that hadn’t survived. My midwife said it is normal for it to take 4-8 weeks for a miscarriage to happen after the baby has died. It is called a missed or silent miscarriage. Maybe this has happened to you too. You’re not alone and I know how hard shocking and heartbreaking this is. Sending my love.

This is exactly what happen to me this week. On Wednesday I went in for my first scan at 12+5 week and I was pretty confident everything was ok cause I was experiencing any symptoms u get in the first trimester and never had any cramping or bleeding and they told me was was I even pregnant or got my dates wrong and I said yes cause I hadn’t had a period since end of May and all they could see was a sac so she basically told me I had no baby, they tested my urine and bloods and still suggested I was pregnant so they refered me for internal in the epau and confirmed by two more midwife’s that I was pregnant there was a baby but no heartbeat it died at 6 weeks. It’s hurts so much that my baby died 7 weeks ago and I kept thinking was finished with the first trimester and share the news to the family and friends. And I’m still waiting for the miscarriage

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