
We had a loss last month and I took a test after as the GP wanted to make sure there was nothing retained and it was negative but not had a period since. I am due my period Thursday and around 11dpo... Is this a pregnancy? I have had some mild cramping recently.
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Im sorry about your loss! I know how you’re feeling cause I’ve been through the same😞How long ago did you have a miscarriage? My test still showed a faint line just few hours before getting my first period after D&C, about 25 days later! Hope it’s a new pregnancy for you x

How long ago was your negative? It's very possible that it's a new pregnancy.

@Olivia I started bleeding on the 7th June and definitely passed the gestational sac. I then got a negative test on 9th June. My tests prior to bleeding were already getting really really faint. Xx

@Rossana June 7th I passed the pregnancy after getting increasingly faint tests then a negative on the 9th after I stopped bleeding x

If you had a prior negative it is very luckily a new pregnancy😍

It's almost definitely at new pregnancy if it's been that long since your negative. Congratulations!

@Olivia oh my gosh!! 🎉 I am going to remain as positive as possible and whatever happens happens ❤️ I want to enjoy it x

@Rossana Woohooo!! Thank you ❤️❤️

It’s got colour to it so I think you might be brewing a little rainbow!! ❤️

@Sarah 🥹🥹🥹❤️🙏

Congratulations xx

@Deb thank you xxx

I would say that it’s definitely a new pregnancy I had a miscarriage in October at 4 weeks tested negative around Halloween and then on the 1st December test positive and was about 5 weeks pregnant. Congratulations!

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