
I’m currently 2 days late. Top one of from yesterday evening and bottom one is from FMU today. Background: me and my husband had our first round of IVF in April, we got 17 eggs but all failed to fertilise even though all of my husbands test came back fine. The consultant said we had a small chance of conceiving naturally so we planned to go ahead with ICSI. I have been waiting for AF to show so I can contact the clinic. Due to this we haven’t been checking ovulation or looking at dates. I know Clearblue can be inaccurate and also neither of them have a full lines. What does this mean? Confused 🤯
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A friend of mine was in exactly the same situation as you… she was waiting for AF to call the clinic and that month she fell pregnant naturally!! Fingers crossed this is a positive as it looks - might be worth doing a digital?? Xx

Hey lovely! These tests are notoriously difficult to read I would pop and get some pink dye tests to be more certain I find boots ultra early really good for sensitivity ( everything crossed for you )

@Danielle aww that is incredible! I really hope that is the case for us too. I’m going to try a first response later because they are usually quite accurate. Fingers crossed 🤞 xx

@Em yeah I agree with you, I haven’t heard the best things about them but just thought it was odd that they both done the same. I’m going to try a first response later and keep my fingers crossed 🤞 thank you xx

Yeah the lines don’t look like they should tbh hun so I would second the boots 6 days early tests. I’d wait until tomorrow morning when your FMU is likely stronger. Good luck!

Mine looked exactly the same as this I did a digital and I was pregnant, maybe try digital? Xx

Any update?

@Sarah yeah, I took a boots test yesterday evening and this morning. Both completely negative so I think I must of had a faulty batch of Clearblue 🤦‍♀️ still no AF, 4 days late now. Have no idea what is going on with my body 😂

@Emily aww really? I have done another two boots test but they both can be negative 😬 I’m going to give it a few more days and then test again if AF hasn’t shown xx

Fingers crossed for you 🩷🩷

Any chance u took a picture of the boots ones? Xx

That’s a shame hun,I’m sorry. I hate clearblue. They are a nightmare for dodgy lines. I always recommend frer or boots 6 days early x

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