Feb 27, 10dpo
February 3rd at 11:40
March 14!
March 2nd ! My deceased grandfathers birthday 😭 actually took the 3rd test at his celebration lunch
I found out the same day as you my period was due and hubby had asked if I could be pregnant. Got a dye stealer right at 4 weeks along and was surprised as heck. I def didn’t think I was preggers we had only dtd twice that month due to sickness and work schedules.
@Jasmine I found out on March 9th, two days before my birthday and had to postpone ear piercings I wanted for my birthday haha
Found out 2/26
March 3rd I had a positive at 11 DPO and 14 days post trigger shot❤️
7:44 am 2/25🥹🫶
Feb 21 I usually do it before my period and I felt weird
I found out on February 23 almost midnight while my husband was out with his friends and I was freaking out alone 😂
March 15th at 9 DPO I got my first faint positive. I was blown away it happened so fast since I’d just had a miscarriage on February 22nd 💕
Apirl 1 apirl fools day I went to work the next day ask my lead nurse to run a test on 2nd and it came back positive she then put in orders for a blood test I was 5 weeks 5 days . I'm now 21 weeks ♡
9dpo, March 13
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Trusted by 5M+ women
I found out March 16th. The week of I kept having dreams telling me I was pregnant and I kind of had a feeling but was brushing it off. I was supposed to get my period that day so I took a digital test and it was positive 😅
March 8th, 12 DPO, about a week before my birthday 🩷🩷🩷 had to cancel a tattoo appointment but now I have a healthy baby boy growing🥹🥹🥹