1 year old not eating normal solid food

Since my son has turned 1, he doesn't want to eat his usual solid foods. He would rather take a bottle than eat solid food. Is this normal, or should I be concerned 😟
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He’s probably just filling up on milk and then it’s creating a cycle of him not being hungry enough for solids! Plus if he’s teething that can often make them want to eat less. Is he drinking regular milk? Our pediatrician advised no more than 20oz per day.

@GMF He's still on formula we don't meet with his Dr. Until the end of the month. I also noticed yesterday that he has 2 teeth coming in at the same time.

Definitely teething. Whenever my son is teething he wants nothing to do with solids. When he was one he completely rejected solids for about a week so we were doing toddler formula

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