Sounds odd have you tried using an app. You can log your cycle and it predicts it?
@Hannah yes I track my periods every month and its predicting that I will ovulate on Saturday however I've had all the ovary pain, discharge (sorry tmi) back on Sunday and Monday but because the tests were still saying negative I ignored it which in hindsight I probably shouldn't of. Worried there's something else going on with me and I just haven't ovulated at all x
You might have just missed your peak. If you've just started using them, download the premom app to scan them in it'll help you track. Then test every day, maybe twice a day, for your whole cycle to get used to it. Some women have rapid lh onset, some have multiple peaks so you need to find out what yours does.
Sometimes with the cheapy tests unless you're testing like three times a day you'll miss your peak. I like the clear blue digital ovulation test with the flashy and static smiley face. A lot more expensive but super clear!
I used them every day for 2 months to get a feel for my cycles and then started using them for a week / two once I got an idea. I was doing them the same time every morning too. If you have a feeling always just go ahead and try.