My sweet son came at 8am this morning 😭😭💓💓🙏🙏🙏 exactly 1 week away from his due date.
I’m so in love he’s perfect🥰🥰
Planned a unmedicated homebirth (actually apartment birth LOL) with my 2 midwives and I technically successfully stuck to the plan but omfg that was the most painful shit I’ve ever experienced…..
Started randomly with really bad period like cramps for a hour or two on and off and then shit hit the fan😃🔫 I went from 2cm to 6cm in a few hours and that was hard… but transition was insane. Truly. At 9cm it was as painful as 2cm contractions but like the entire time and the actual contractions felt like I was going to literally pass out.
Don’t know if I could ever do this again lmaooo.
It was so hard from the jump, so painful, I tore a little bit but the relief and happy hormones that I felt afterwards was amazing.
He’s sleeping now and I’m just watching him and in awe and so in love ughhh😭😭😍🥰🥰🥰🥰