Am I being unreasonable?

So each time I go collect my child from nursery, I have to ask the teachers to top up her water bottle, for the journey home, we live 25-35 minutes away and walk. along with finding things that belong to her n or come back broken - like the water bottles themselves or missing accessories like hat, but has her name is so why is it with someone else’s belongings? Today I got “told”to look for her blue 🧢? She didn’t go in a blue sun hat 👒 she wet n pink baseball n I look in her bag n it’s there anyway. I also find a disgaurfed water bottle that is broken, has her name sticker and empty of any drink 😬 So while one is calling out other children I ask can I get some water, which they know I do every day, if it’s not been filled before hand, even say I can go do it sometimes n she says today you’ll have to wait while im dismissing other children?! Am I being unreasonable to ask or expect a bit more than that, can get feedback of what she’s done, why her bottle is broken, not be made to feel like asked the impossible, I’m a burden to, wen you know she always needs water going home. And it’s hot - surely every child should have option in this weather. Or is it you don’t give children who are potty training drinks? - still be nice of some communication not just being dismissive
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Oh my goodness if i got that kind of ‘service’ from our provider I would be livid! That’s not unreasonable at all.

They absolutely should have told you about the water bottle being broken and what happened but can you not just walk over to the sink and get yourself water? They also should be telling you what she’s been doing and give you a handover, that’s absolutely not asking too much. I ran a preschool for years and the end of the day/collection time is always manic. I’m sure they wouldn’t object to you being like “just going to fill this up!”. I certainly wouldn’t have. Belonging do get mixed up and that is part of nursery/school life and as long as you’ve got it labelled it shouldn’t happen to often. Maybe just mention to them about the broken bottle, hopefully they just forgot to speak to you about it. But drinking water for her journey home is your responsibility, not the nursery so it’s not on them to make sure they’ve made it easier for you by pre-filling her bottle, sure it would be nice but they’ve also got lots of other kiddos to be focusing on at home time too

If they are being dismissive about things you need to speak to them clearly about what you expect

I always take a full bottle of drink from home with me for pick up to make things easier

Water bottles should never be empty, especially in summer months! I’d ask to speak to someone about the ‘service’ concerns you’re having regards consistent damage/ lost items!

If I take a drink, it’s not allowed to be stored anywhere else, like I said we live 35 mins away from the school, so the drink left on buggy goes warm n undrinkable. P.s they know circumstances n what happens today n me not being able to be like other mums. Another mum said report the teacher, yeah they got a lot to do but she shouldn’t of been dismissive I’ve seen how they send her out to you n have told you not to send drinks n heavy things in her bag, but you can’t leave them on buggy in this heat, - so you can’t win. But you shouldn’t be left feeling like your child’s needs aren’t important

@Zoe some days I can some days I can’t, they know this n was told previously that it would never be and issue So today was like just too much Coz I don’t have the money to keep buying bottles to have them broken at nursery - with no answers Or do I have the money to go buy drinks every day in shops on the way home - they know this n said wouldn’t be issue n help

I understand your frustration, and it's not a big ask.Broken items of your child is not acceptable, you should ask them to reduce the replacement cost from their fees next time as its recurrent. You can also try bottles of different materials that are more resistant, you have some with silicone around them that make it kind of resistant to fall. Missing peice of clothing unfortunately, this happens even in the best settings. Regarding the water, can you put it in your freezer for a bit and bring it ,like this it won't get warm when you arrive at pick up.

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