Not sure if I should divorce

Hi there, I would need your advice on this. I have been married for 3 years and have a 3 years old son. My relationship is non existent as my husband is having a teenage lifestyle spending most of his time working from home and playing games. He is mostly present with our son during his playtime but beside it he is not involved in anything else with our son, our relationship and house duties. The situation has worsen to this point for a year or more now. I have stopped arguing cause it didnt take me anywhere except creating a negative environment when on some cases our son was present. Now I am considering him only as a roomate with whom I share bills and not bother to even ask him to spend more time with our son or anything else. At this point I am thinking if divorcing him would be better or not. Except the financial struggle, my worry is that he will be less present with our son if we divorce and my life would get harder having all type of responsibilities cause when he will be distant I feel I will have everything on me. I live in a foreign country with no family or friends atm. If someone can share any advice it would mean a lot to me. Thank you
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Is couples counseling an option? Have you talked to him about how you feel? You said he would be less present for your son, is that a bad thing? I obviously don't know laws where you live, but maybe if it's bad you'd be able to get full custody and leave the country?

I did ask him for couple therapy but he is against it and he just refuses to face the situation. We dont have any abusive or bad situation so I dont want to leave the country as I dont want him to be away from his son he is not a bad parent for him.

I dont know what else to do to make this work and I tried everything but it takes two to make things work. Divorce its not the easiest way to solve things as it would take me a lot of effort to adjust but I cant accept this situation of having someone around with whom I just split bills. He has no interest to anything except being left alone and living with the benefits of having a clean house and warm food.

Is this familiar to you ... Feeling like it's all up to you ? The responsibility all on you or keeping love going ? What happened in his childhood that he shows up like a teenager? Can you have a honest conversation about what you've shared with us here - with him ?

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