Sorry but need advice

Hey guys feeling little concerned after some advice on what you would do plzšŸ˜Š I am currently looking after my mum and dads French bull dog he literally chews everything up thatā€™s plastic and grabs at everything and I try my very very best to make sure I get anything he grabbed out of his mouth straight away ! He went out for poo this morning and when he came back in I noticed he had some blood around his bum area I have recently just been outside looked through his poo and I carnt see thereā€™s anything in there he seems fine within himself heā€™s eaten this morning and done his usual toilet business but I worried as he in my care and my mum dad on a cruise and are now at see travelling back for two days so carnt get hold of them I would never forgive myself if something happened to him what would you do ? Would you just keep and eye on him see how he goes ? Or would you take him to the vets to get checked out ? The problem is I donā€™t have the money to pay for the vets check up as itā€™s usally about 80 pound for a check I just donā€™t know what to do
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Just keep an eye on him, blood in poo can be due to stress or just a bit of plastic could have cut his bum. Only panic if itā€™s more than a couple of table spoons id say. My dog used to chew loads until I got him some really large bones only cost around Ā£2.60 and was a life changer!

What colour blood? Bright red or dark red/black?

@Beth would you be completly offended if I attached a pic to show you ? Just so worried as heā€™s not my dog and looking after him Ermm heā€™s also quite sicky dog in general he sick up at least once a day but heā€™s been sick twice today already

Sounds like stress induced to me if vomiting aswell - has he been off his food at all?

@Tamsine hi heā€™s always been a sicky dog heā€™s like it at his home to so thatā€™s not out the normal for him really šŸ˜Š just the blood and poo worried about really. I have picture of his poo and where I wiped but it pretty gross and wouldnā€™t want offend anyone it was a bright red

You're welcome to pm me if you like?

I donā€™t mind if you show me what colour is the sick too?

I would recommend to ring the vets and ask for their advice on the phone. Mine are good and normally put my mind at ease, tell me what to watch out for etc. Obviously they might say to bring him in, but you could explain about the money and your parents being away and they might have a solution for you. Hope all goes well and he is fine!

If he seems fine in himself, is eating, peeing and pooping relatively normal then he is probably fine though

@Becca thankyou yeah he seems fine he has eaten today and does his usual things x

My pup is constantly eating things he shouldn't be regardless of what we do. Today while I was at the shop he had porridge, uno cards, a pot of marmite, a role of sellotape and 1 of my meds šŸ™„ he's eaten ketchup bottles too in the past. He's gets a little blood in his poo when he's gone for something plastic and it usually comes out in a day or 2 in his poo so I wouldn't stress

@Ebony thankyou !

Always harder when there not your dog and someone and as close as my parents are trusting me to look after him well would hate to miss anything and anything happen to him xxx

If he is still pooing normally and eating and drinking then the chances are heā€™s completely fine ā˜ŗļø

Morning everyone just got back from walk with him and his first poo was perfect completly normal couler and everything second very runny but normal couler and his 3rd one was small amount of runny poo with some blood in it what do you think just last of it from yesterday ?

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