Copy cat drink

Help 😭 my favorite drinks are the caramel ribbon crunch from Starbucks and the caramel craze iced latte from Dunkin and I cannot for the LIFE of me find a way to make these at home that taste even similar 😭
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I worked at Starbucks and the recipe above is great only thing it is missing is the caramel sauce if recommend Ghirardelli caramel sauce to put around the inside of the cup, bottom of the cup before you pour the frappe and then top it off with more caramel at the end that’s exactly how we did it😂 I was a master of frappes🤣💜

@Layla Caron I heard the frap roast was basically instant coffee

@Layla Caron I was just about to comment this cause I worked at Starbucks too lol @Ashley yes frap roast is basically just instant coffee. Also instead of using liquidy caramel syrup use like the caramel syrup you’d put on ice cream, like thicker caramel. That was also one of the differences from that to a regular caramel frappachino and I think it makes it so much better

@Maisey I agree 100%

@Ashley it’s literally instant coffee mixed with water that’s it it comes in a silver package

To echo yall- I’d dupe with Hershey’s “sundae dream” caramel sauce/syrup cause she thiiiick and tastes pretty close (imo) to the caramel syrup/sauce (les be real, it’s a sauce lol) we used at bux consistency and taste wise. HOWEVER- Imma still use the Ghirardelli salted caramel sauce to line the cup and throw some in the bottom like someone else suggested lol That’s the closest I’ve ever gotten. OH! For a binder, bux uses a crème or regular frap syrup to bind their frapps together- use like an 1/8th to 1/4 tsp of xanthum gum if ya don’t want your frappacinos separating within a couple mins. That’s all I got yall lol Now we just all gotta make the caramel crunch topping and we’ll all be set! lol

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