Accelerated growth ?

I had my usual midwife appointment yesterday at 31+3 and I’ve been told baby is measuring bigger than what is expected. Now I’m to have a scan for accelerated growth. Last time I was measured, baby was measuring under I had a scan for that and was told everything was fine but he’s on the bigger side. And now again after being measured, having another scan this time for baby being bigger than what they would like. I had my gestational diabetes tests which came back negative . Just a bit worried why baby is now so big ? Has anyone else experienced this ? I just feel so overwhelmed with it all
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Yeah honestly don’t worry about it they can be very wrong ! I was told my boy would be 8/9lbs more 9lbs had extra growth scans GDT done …they nearly put me on for another ! Anyways he was as born by c section and he was 7lbs 2 ! So honestly dw too much and just enjoy seeing baby again x

I agree ith Sharmen babies wriggle around a lot and some of their measurements are estimate in my opinion. I wouldn’t worry much, i have several extra scan scheduled due to single umbilical artery (as this can restrict foetal growth) however every time I am scanned they say baby is big for gestational age. My GTT also came back negative.

Ohhh that’s definitely reassuring ! Thanks girly ☺️ yeh tbh that’s the only thing I look forward to with these scans seeing baby again x

I had growth scans for my huge baby! He jumped 50th to 98th then dropped and they were really worried on the huge jump and then as he was dropping. I had him 38w 6d at 8lb he was tiny but very long. They can be soooo wrong with the scans, don’t worry xx

My baby’s also in the 94th percentile and my first baby was in the 99th when born at 10lb2oz, I’ve been negative for GD both times around! Don’t stress, you’re body just grows big babies!💜💙

I had growth scans with my first baby, they told me she’d be 10-11lbs and when she was born she weighed 6lb5. This time in using scans to focus on development instead of growth and taking the predicted weight as a pinch of salt xx

Being at the big end of the range isn't really that risky for a baby from what I've read

@Tamsin it only poses possible problems when it comes to labour! Shoulder dystocia chances sky rocket, same with the chance of needing an emergency section x

My boy was 99th percentile and measuring 4-5 weeks ahead my whole pregnancy also testing negative for GD, ultrasound was actually right on with the weight and size (we decided on a c section for risk of shoulder dystocia) he came out happy and healthy and I am too so no issues! 😁

@Beth thanks girly 💕 I’ve been speaking to my mum and she’s mentioned there are big babies in our family so maybe that’s why or a contributing factor I guess 😟

They told me my baby was measuring large my entire pregnancy like 10 pounds large and when she was born she was only 6 pounds. Her head was so low in my pelvis that they couldn’t get an accurate size.

@Beth awww so cute !!!🥰 🥺💛

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