Sheffield children’s hospital

Has anyone been to Sheffield children’s for tongue tie? We have an appt on Monday and want to know what to expect - I’m travelling from Nottingham so it’s a fair distance with a little one and wondering if it will just be an assessment or if it needs cutting again if they will do it on the same day? Any experience in the NHS in general would be great :)
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Not at Sheffield, but we travelled to King's College Tongue Tie Clinic (NHS) and they assessed and cut the same day. We had a 5 hour round trip on the train (and £90 on tickets) so I would not have been happy if they hadn't cut there and then. They were brilliant, explained her tie to us and her movement (or lack thereof), showed us the stretches/exercises to do after, showed us pictures of how it should look healing, did the cut, then watched her feed. Once she was calm they carefully lifted her tongue to see the diamond cut and show us. We were then free to stay and feed/calm her as long as we needed. They also explained that it may take a little while for her to relearn how to use her tongue/how it can now move as she was 4 months old on the day - as far as she's concerned her tongue was perfectly fine and where it moved was where it moves haha...

@Carys thank you so much for this that’s great to know! We have already had it cut privately at 7w old but was assessed with the feeding team afew weeks ago as latch still not great and they think it has either reattached or not cut fully in the first place as still quite limited movement so not sure whether will need doing or not but was hoping if it did it would be same day … he is 4m now so it’s good to know yours was done a similar time - how was she after? Has it helped her? Xx

It was 2 weeks ago today and she's still not sticking her tongue out fully but it's coming out more than before, I've stopped pumping except for one bottle a day her Dad gives her (so I can get ready in the morning), and she's gone up steadily to just below 9th centile from just below the 2nd before the cut (she was going up from just below 0.4th because of pumped top ups while we waited for the cut).

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