when to feed

hey guys so my little is on purées for the time being because i have ✨anxiety✨ but whenever i feed him he gets bored after 3 or 4 bites, i know i have to make sure he’s had milk at least 30 min to an hour before, but what are other signs that he’s wanting to eat the purée and a little bit hungrier for it ? also he’s 7.5 months so i know he could have water but can i just give him that from our fridge water? i’ve seen some people talk about boiling water and letting it cook for their little and i didn’t know if that was something i had to do if we have filtered water in our fridge?
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Once 6months+ tap water and water dispensed from the fridge is perfectly fine ☺️ I have a fridge water dispenser and have used it for my 8.5 month old since he was 6 months old. For me what I’ve found works is spacing food and milk at an average of 2 hourly intervals apart from breakfast which is 1 and half hrs after first milk of the day. I think it’s trial and error to see what works for your lo xx

Ah I’ve just seen you’re in the US my was advice is for water in the UK xx

I’d leave the milk in the morning and replace with breakfast. X

The thing about the fridge water, I don't know what one you have but I was told make sure it doesn't remove removes some of the additives, such as chlorine, used to keep tap water fresh. I have brita but to be safe just boil water or use tap I also breastfeed first and then after an hour max, sit him down for breakfast, lunch and dinner. And have nibbles in between. I know you said you're scared (trust me, I was the same) but snacks like mango where they just teeth reassures because they can't do much at the moment and got my LO more intrigued I think I'm equally using mainly purees btw. So do get it and just have it lumpier etc for him to get used to textures Nhs says they only need like 500ml of milk as we introduce solids...they also say "just have fun" but just do what's best for your LO 😊

at 7.5 months, 3-4 bites of puree is all baby may want. at this age, food is exploratory. i always thought of it as sensory play. the focus should be on exposing baby to a variety of textures and flavors rather than eating a certain amount. baby should still be getting the majority of calories from milk. I understand the worry about solids… it can be nerve wracking at first! when you’re ready to start giving baby solids, solid starts has great resources and a helpful app to show you how to serve solid foods safely. boiling water will remove bacteria. if you have tap water, your water is likely treated with chemicals to remove bacteria. if you have well water, its recommended to test your water annually for bacteria. if you are concerned about your water quality, you can always filter your water. idk what fridge filters actually remove but with any filter, they only work when replaced regularly.

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