Flat head

Does anybody else have a baby with asymmetrical head? Did you do helmet therapy?
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Also curious about this. At my LO’s 6 month appointment i brought it up with her doctor because i had been concerned and people were brushing me off. Doctor said it’s a litttle flat but we would reevaluate at her 9 month appt for a helmet or not. Made me feel awful bc I feel like I’ve done constant tummy time with her but her doctor said it’s more common now since they sleep on their back.

@Danielle My doctor was so relaxed about it “just turn his head more” I was turning but I don’t know if that was enough. Obviously it wasn’t, we took him to do helmet and doctor said his fontanelle is closed. We had to do head scan. Everything is ok so we will go with helmet. I don’t know how much it will help. I feel devastated. Lesson learned! I would advise you go on just consultation for helmet. I wish I went there instead of keep going to the pediatrician to ask himz

What kind of doctor do you go to for that?

Babies can also get a flat head from the way they were lying in the womb and if they were stuck in the birth canal. If you're concerned, then I would look into cranial technicians. I'm sure a consultation wouldn't hurt. Plus they should tell you if it's a concern or not. I recommend doing it sooner than later because depending on the severity, they may have the helmet for a long time. Unfortunately, my son has it pretty bad. He was stuck in the birth canal and he hated being on his tummy. No matter how many times he placed him on his tummy. He'd always roll to his back. He will get his helmet in about two weeks

@Adrianna my baby has it pretty bad too. I lost so much time asking my pediatrician “is his head ok?” He is like “yes, yes, babies heads constantly change and eventually become round just turn his head more” UGH I will never forgive myself for taking this advise and not pursuing earlier helmet and physical therapy. We went to the orthotic doctor for helmet and he said you need to see neurosurgeon because his head had closed fontanelle and he was worried for craniosynostosis. We did scan and his head is fine. I am still waiting a call from neurosurgeon and then we will go for building a helmet. I hope it will help him some. We lost full month in scheduling appointments and time is just going….

@Danielle I just googled flat head babies in my state and it showed me only on person who is orthotics. We also found physical therapist for baby. They show exercise and it is SO helpful. I can’t believe our doctor didn’t know for any of these. After more then 2 months of doing nothing our doctor referred us on my request to place that does all bones for babies but not heads. We found all these places just by googling

My lo will be getting his helmet on the 12th next month people just assume I don't do tummy time when my child spends half the day on his tummy and the rest on my hip he just refuses to roll and sleeps flat on his back still the only thing that sucks for me is we will be paying for his treatment since our insurance doesn't cover it

@Yadi oof. I'm sorry. I don't think we've received confirmation that our insurance covers the helmet or not. I'm not ready to drop $1900😭

For us at least 1900 is if you do it in payments we are paying it in full so Our bill is 1710

@Yadi @Adrianna I live in the most expensive state so here it cost $3000. I am honestly happy we have it here, just a few years ago the didn’t exist here

@Yadi ugh, I don’t even know… people will just be judgmental if they want to… it is so hard. How old is your baby and how long it took them to make helmet

Girls, that's crazy! When did everything get so pricey!

He's turning 6 months in a few days. We went to his first appointment right before he turned five months, but since we had to pay out of pocket for everything We are just now being able to go in for his fittings

After we get some more imaging done, he should get his helmet within nine days

Hi ! My son does as well .. we took him to see about a helmet but it wasn’t needed just physical therapy

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My 6 m old has, but 2 pedestrians said it’s not that bad for the helmet and it will get better and it’s actually slowly gets better

My baby has always has an almost perfectly round head and he's 7.5 months old now but I mentioned st his 6 month checkup that the back kne side is a 1,/4" raised more and my Pediatrician said it's completely normal

Her head is definitely wonky. I changed her position in the crib So that if she turns her head to look at me it's the other side. She does tons of tummy time. We don't put her in containers much at all but yeah... So I brought up helmets to my doctor and he's kind of crunchy. His opinion was that helmets are barbaric. I don't understand that. The guy who invented helmets lived in my neighborhood growing up too.

@Lauren each doctor is different. Lol. My doctor told us the risks of not doing the helmet, but my son's head shape is bad.

yes! our son has a helmet (just got it monday from cranial tech) and we’re actually loving it! i have a flat spot on one side of my head and growing up, it caused so many issues with bike helmets and glasses! my son hasn’t been judged at all so far and everyone’s just commented on how cute he is! it is a lot of work (he wears it 23 hours a day) but from what our helmet technicians told us, by this age, it’s extremely unlikely that babies’ heads will flatten on their own, even with physical therapy

some helmet places will have free consultations (cranial tech, who we went with, does and they have locations in quite a few states) to see if your baby even qualifies!

@Yadi awesome! Good luck with it! Our helmet will probably arrive in next week/10 days. I hope it helps him since his fontanelle is not that big. His ears are kind of shifted… I feel way better today because we went for 3d head scan and they made order for helmet.

@Karina that’s amazing that it is going better. My baby’s head didn’t go better but suddenly worst. I felt like I blinked with my eyes and suddenly noticed a huge difference… we are going with helmet

@Diamante we are doing both now. When did you start with physical therapy?

When he was about 4 months

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