Do Evaps show inverted like this?

In person this definitely looks like an evaporation line, which is exactly what I would expect considering I’m 6 months pp and exclusively nursing on demand 25/8 and didn’t get a cycle back until 15 or 16 months pp after our first and didn’t come back to read this test until way after the testing timeframe. BUT, in pictures it looks more like a solid line than most of my Evaps have in the past? And it almost seems like there is the slightest tint to the very edges in person, but it still totally looks like an evap? I’ve been loosely using LH tests, but they’ve all been so extremely negative that I hadn’t even been bothering to track them in the Premom app. Yesterday I took one and it was darker than they had been in a hot minute but not as dark as when I was ovulating with our first two babies. I took an HCG test yesterday as well and didn’t get anything that looked like an evap on it, but it is way more humid today which might make things dry differently? I know the women in this group have looked at more pee sticks than the majority of people have 😂, so thought I would throw it here for some opinions?
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I feel like I might see something, try testing again in a few days. ❤️

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