Group B Strep positive

Anyone else come back as positive for group b strep? My doctor made it seem like no big deal but I’m a little worried…
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Yup. Just got my results back today.... I'm curious why they wait to treat with antibiotics until we go into labor..... Wouldn't it make sense to do it now?

@Courtney I was thinking the same thing

Me too, read that it's not a huge deal. I think some doctors do give antibiotics ahead of time but it's just during labor that babies are exposed so it doesn't sound like treating with antibiotics now is necessary.

Mine, did they not see it necessary to treat until labor. I had it with my second, and they just put the antibiotic in you're iv and then you are fine. And it's nothing to worry about. You will be okay mama

Apparently many come up positive

I get checked for it this friday

@Vee they do it's more common then you think

It’s extremely common to have this bacteria in your system, and is typically harmless because colonization does not equate to an active infection. We have more bacteria in our bodies than human cells, and this just happens to be one of them 🙂 They often choose to administer antibiotics during labor to ensure the baby does not get an infection, which is still rare but of course they want to err on the side of caution. If you are concerned about exposing your newborn to antibiotics, you could ask your provider about a chlorhexadine wash, which I believe has been studied in Europe as an alternative to antibiotics. Hope that helps!

Yes. It’s not a big deal. I just got IV antibiotics

@Courtney because it can come back again before you give birth

I was positive with my first baby and not with my 2 after. They just give you antibiotics during labor.

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