You can pay for a private blood test to check Hcg
I used both for my last pregnancy when I was 6 months postpartum
You can have random irregular periods postpartum, I've had semi regular periods since about 8 weeks pp (only different by a few days) but I had one random cycle where I was about 3 weeks late. I was sure I was pregnant but every test was negative and I ended up getting my period eventually. The very faint positive could be an indent line, they usually happen if you don't read the test right as the time is up, or some tests are just bad for them
@alana ive tried 2 different brands and been trying to test first thing in the morning but one or two tests ave been evening
Different brands have different sensitivities, so keep this in mind as well
Thanks to everyone who tried to help with this Turns out I was pregnant but my hcg levels were extremely low which is why we kept getting negative tests, have now had a miscarriage confirmed
I’m sorry to hear that @incognito. I had a chemical recently too 😓
What time of the day are you testing and which brand of tests are you using?