@Patrice 28
@Deborah 20
@Milagros since your period is due on the 28th, i would say its still early to test. When you're closer to when your period is due, i would say test again. Like around 11-12dpo if you can wait it out
@Deborah fingers crossed for you!
I had a dream just last night actually of me taking a pregnancy test and it was positive. It truly does feel like a sign and I think it is whether it happens now or down the road. Just stay positive love (which I know is hard) I'm in the same boat it will happen soon🤍
Ive had multiple dreams of either being pregnant or getting a positive test but didnt end up pregnant. I think its due to us women wanting to have a baby that subconsciously, thats what we end up dreaming about. But that doesnt mean you're out yet. You're not out until your period shows. When is your period due?