Period a month late but not pregnant?

I had my baby almost 10 months ago, I got my period back at around 5-6months PP and it’s been pretty regular since, maybe max 5 days late. This month I missed my period but I’ve taken multiple pregnancy tests and they are all negative. Is this normal?? I tried making an appointment with my OB but they can’t get me in until next month
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How late are you? With my first I took a test when I was only 2 days late and it was negative. Then, I took another at 7 or 8 days late, and it was positive.

@Jillian im 31 days late now I took a test again yesterday and it was negative

I’ve read/heard it can take a year or so after birth for your period to be ‘normal’, light flows, heavy flows, missed periods etc. so could just be that! But make the OB appt and see them when you can!

Okay possibly stupid question are you sure it was negative and not so positive that the control line disappeared?

It’s happened to me sorry mama are body’s are a lil weird after birth. Your period may not be normal till a year after

@Saphire I took tests when I first missed it too so I think it’s just negative I hope 🤣

Oh, shoot . . . Well, hopefully it's negative, if that's what you want.

21 days after sex your test should be accurate so if it’s been that long I think your in the clear. If your worried I would call your ob

I ended up getting my period today thankfully 🤣

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