Mom guilt

So I’m a stay at home mom who has no social life because I’m with my kids 24/7. Recently my mother in law has been asking for my kids more often on the weekends (my kids are her only grand children) so she takes them all day on Saturdays. I do homework and clean but feel so guilty to go out because I just feel like my kids shouldn’t be going over there every Saturday. She really loves having them because all her kids are grown up now and she feels alone. ( we don’t have a relationship because we are awkward when we are with each other that’s why I don’t hang with her and my kids ) How do I get this mom guilt to go away or is it bad that I let them go every Saturday 💔🤧it really gives me a break but I can’t stop feeling bad
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My in laws pick my daughter up every Friday from daycare so they can watch her and my sisters mother in law takes her 2 year old son over night most Fridays. My mind set is I want her to have a relationship with them and they enjoys taking them and i get a break. As long as you trust her to protect your babies you are good. Especially with you being a sahm. You see them plenty! Not a bad mom and if it let's you get stuff done and not be stressed that means you are a better mom when you have your kids. You just have to let the guilt go.

My oldest is 21 y.o. and has been spending Friday nights over his paternal grandparents all his life. (His father and I have been divorced for 18 yrs) In my opinion this has been invaluable to both my son and his grandparents. There was a little bit of time in there where I had mom guilt over it but realized him spending time over there was good for all of us. It gave them time to bond and me time for a little bit of me time, which we mommas need!

I feel like it’s easier for me to make set plans and go out with friends for an activity versus finding time to just drop them off and do housework/stuff at home. It winds up giving me more of a break when I have these set plans. 🤷‍♀️ versus feeling weird for asking to drop them off to hang around my house?


Now she ask for them even during the week which she says “you can’t today “ I get it but it’s like i can’t say no without being rude . I feel like she thinks my kids are hers …. Which is making me freak out

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