Did you work right up until your due date or start mat leave early?

I’m due in the Feb half term and can’t decide whether to keep going or whether I should take a week or two beforehand. I also have a toddler so time at home won’t be restful but it would be nice to get in some quality time with him before his little sibling arrives. What did everyone else do? I feel so conflicted!
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Interested to know the replies, I’m due in the Christmas holidays!

I was going to go til two weeks before DD but have decided to go off at half term. We have two weeks this October, then three til my due date, so five total. Hoping she arrives a little early but if she doesn't, I'll have had five (maybe more) weeks at home getting ready x

My 1st born was due 3rd of august. I was going to work up until the end of the academic year but I was so tired and hot that I went off 9th of July. This year I'm due November 14th and I'm determined to make it until November 4th. I want to get paid normal wages for the October half term. I don't want to waste my mat leave money on the half term

I worked up until the Friday before October half term and was due 2nd November which was the week after half term. I had my little girl a week early though. We broke up the Friday and she was born the Tuesday 🤦‍♀️ I was fine working up until then though, everyone handles the last few weeks differently x

I had planned on working up until my due date (planned c section date as I couldn’t have her naturally due to complications) but my little one arrived 6 weeks early and my mast leave kicked in the day after she was born. I’d consider however when you plan on going back (if you plan on going back). Would you want the whole year off? Would you want to go back at the half term? Midway through a term? The term before?

My son was due early September so I was off from 20th July over the summer holidays and started my maternity on 4th September. I ended up with 2 weeks actual maternity leave before he was born. I would have really struggled to work up until the due date if the timings had been different but I had a horrible pregnancy

@Nicole I’m due on the 11th December!!! I’m not sure what to do either

I went on mat leave 1 week before due date. I could of worked closer to due date as baby was born in October half term

I'm due start of November but going off at 36+ weeks, I wanted to make it to October half term but I'm realising now that there's no way I'll make it physically especially with half term being into the start of November this year 🙁 x

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