Pregnancy or late period

For the last two weeks I’ve had a bloated hard belly, mild cramping, random back aches and tiredness. I’m 2 days late and I tested using some cheap pregnancy tests from Amazon and came back negative. Does this mean I’m not pregnant and getting a late period? I know I didn’t ovulate late because I used clear blue ovulation tests. I’ve never had a late period in my life. The negative pregnancy test has really disheartened me. Any advice would be great.
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This is happening to me too, 5 days late and tests coming back negative 😕

17 days late, on day 6 I had a vvvf line after that's every test negative,I'm CD 47 today. Book an appointment for blood work let's see, fingers crossed 🤞

My period finally came so I’m ruled out for this cycle 😕

@Lud sending you hugs, don't be sad our time will come 💕

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