@Favi were you at 70% effaced in your first pregnancy or this pregnancy? 😱
I was dilated to a 1cm and 80% effaced at 36w with my first pregnancy and she stayed there until I was induced at 39w4d with no Braxton hicks or anything
I started dilating with my first before 36 weeks, was at 4cm by 39 weeks. She was 2 days past her due date 😂
@Tiffany No I actually had to be given cytotec to help with that cuz my water broke, I was dialating but not effecting at all! I think that's why she told me to be extra careful and just not lift anything heavy... Tell that to my toddler 😬
Did you lose your mucus plug yet? I’m 36 + 4 with my first and lost my mucus plug this past weekend my OB said I might be dilated but didn’t get checked
@Cameron not yet! i honestly don’t even want to be dilated any right now 😭 i need baby to stay in as long as she wants. but it seems like she wants to start making her grand entrance
It's normal for your body to dialate and efface faster after your first cuz your body already knows what to do or so I was told I was 70% effaced at 34w and OB told me to slow down 😅 She didn't check for dialation cuz she said that didn't really matter but she also said baby can come at any time now... Which I mean I think that goes for everyone here 😅 I think I get what you mean though, I'm excited and thinking he might come early like his sister but who knows 😅🤔