Fet last Wednesday early test

I caved and tested early. I think I can see a very faint line. This test is 25ml sensitivity so expected to see nothing this early.
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I can see a faint line ☺️ sending lots of positivity your way xx

Thankyou. Came up within the timeframe . I've ordered some lower sensitivity tests but they haven't came yet. I'm tempted to go to the pharmacy.

I can see a line! I’m here in the TWW with you mate, my transfer was Thursday 🤞🤞🤞

The wait is so hard isn't it. My test date is Friday. How about you? Do you think you will test early ? X

I’ve tested from 3.5-4dp5dt (my transfer was late afternoon) on higher sensitivity tests. I’m 5.5-6dp5dt this morning and still BFN but I know people don’t necessarily get positives until much later so trying to hold onto some hope! My OTD isn’t until 11/09, I just couldn’t wait. I had a difficult FET (they tried and failed to get the catheter in for ages) then I ended up having to have a TMET (where they go in with a needle, similar to egg collection) - difficult transfers and TMETs are associated with lower odds so I’ve been steeling myself since last week anyway. Hope yours is sticky x

I see it!

I see a line!

@Laura that sounds tough. Hopefully it's just too early to get a positive they also say fet can take sometimes take longer to implant too. Not sure if this is true just what I've read. I'm hoping so this is our only frozen embryo. We have a daughter from our 1st round. I won't be trying again x

I see a line too 🫶🏻 I transferred last Thursday… the wait is, well interesting 😂

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