How to cope

I received an audio message today from my boyfriend/father of my child saying how much of an amazing and perfect woman I am, but how he wants to break up because he doesn’t deserve a good woman. We were literally just talking earlier this morning about him taking me to get my nails done and not even 12 hours later, he breaks up with me. I’m struggling because I’m obviously feeling so blindsided and alone in this moment. I’ve been crying on and off since. I’m trying to push it to the side because I know it can affect my baby girl but it’s so hard. Does anyone have any advice for how to deal with breakups while pregnant?
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“Doesn’t deserve a good woman” is an excuse for him to run from his responsibilities. He is afraid of commitment, having a child and the parenthood. Is he firm in his decision? Do not stress. He has shown you who he is. Take this moment to focus on your baby, yourself and health. Grieve in the healthiest ways possible. Satisfying your cravings, painting, reading, clay/ pottery, etc. Get your mind off of it all. Wish you the best Xo

@DAYSH Amen! Could not have said it any better.

Dont stress it, he is having cold feet right now, if he loves you is a good person he will be back, a man will alws come back for his family if he genuinely loves you enough, if not, you js got take it,chin up chest out, yo baby girl needs YOU! A man can alws leave, but not us, these are OUR babies, if he leave, co-parent. And if he cant do that you know whats next? CHILD SUPPORT 💋

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