Feeling Stupid?

Basically, my (younger, super in shape) sister had trouble conceiving, and PCOS runs in my family. My husband and I decided to start not trying to prevent pregnancy a year+ before we actually wanted to get pregnant in case I ran into fertility issues…and I didn’t. We’re super excited about our baby joining us, but to me it all just feels so fast. We were only married 6 months before I got pregnant and literally got pregnant as soon as I finished grad school. My plans of enjoying time as newlyweds, traveling, taking time off, hobbies, career, and having a life have changed direction a little. My sister (who is also expecting) and my mom also tell me that my having a baby now is kind of out of the blue. Again, super excited about the baby! Sometimes it just feels like a strange new reality to adjust to (sometimes I even forget I’m pregnant). I feel kind of dumb by how quickly getting pregnant happened for us and that I should’ve known better. Wondering if anyone else has ever felt this. Thanks for bearing with me!
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Me and my boyfriend got pregnant the 1st time we slept together and we have a 1month old

I got pregnant a lot quicker than I expected, too. It was also a strange reality for me to be pregnant and it felt surreal most of the time even when it was obvious I was growing and I started to feel her kicking regularly. I don’t think what you’re experiencing is something to feel stupid about. You and your husband were planning according to your family history. Also keep in mind that you have a lot of hormones in play right now which may effect how you’re feeling. Looking back now (my baby’s now 8 months old), there were many moments and days both during pregnancy and postpartum when I thought, said, and did things that were influenced by hormones. Give yourself grace. I hope—although it’s not a walk in the park—that you love the journey of your pregnancy. What a privilege we as women have to carry our little babies! My little girl is the best part of my life.

Yeah same here!! My sister and mom and many other woman in my family had experienced infertility and I was very aware that the process could take longer than expected and we also could face fertility issues, we ended up getting pregnant as soon as we started trying also, very blessed now with an 18 month old! Funny enough actually it happened to me twice 😂 we had said we wanted to start trying again after our sons first bday but again I was like well what if we lucked out on the first try? So we started trying about two months before his first bday. Well it again took one try and we ended up getting pregnant! Due any day now with that little baby! It really is a blessing though!

I'm not sure why your mom and sister felt the need to make a comment about having a baby "out of the blue" when in reality having a baby most often times never happens the way you plan it lol. Was your sister excited about your pregnancy? For my first me and my partner had unprotected for 3 years before our son finally came along and I had been told I could never have kids. It was quite a strange new reality to adjust to. Our second was a surprise as well and came years after our first. Were now about to have baby boy number 3 who was honestly completely unplanned, we had both discussed being done with having kids but he took us by surprise so here we are. Love my kids with everything I have though and wouldn't change a thing. All of this to say enjoy your pregnancy and don't feel stupid! This is how it was supposed to happen for you and they should be I feel a little more supportive and not making strange comments.

I met my husband at 29, got engaged 5 months after we met, got married 9 months after we met, 5 days before my 30th bday. We got pregnant 7 months later on purpose. No we have a 19 month old and our 3rd wedding anniversary is in 8 days. We are still madly in love. Your love story is your love story, family planning included. No need to compare it to anyone else’s. It’s perfect for you and your partner. You are definitely not stupid 💖

My husband and I talked about trying for our 3rd and before we were both 100% on board I found I was pregnant, like 2 weeks after talking about it.... Crazy thing is I have PCOS and somehow my body worked the way it was supposed to when I wasn't expecting it to....

PCOS girly here and my OB/GYN said if I wanted to conceive I’d need to do IVF. Stoped preventing pregnancy for a month and some how my body knew just what to do and I got pregnant! Definitely a shock to my provider and my husband but 18 months later and we are thriving. Transitional periods are always awkward but it gets better 🩷

Well first you are definitely not stupid! You mentioned your family has a history of having trouble conceiving, so honestly I would be just like you! How were you supposed to know that you were going to get pregnant right away lol. You thought you were going to have issues due to your family history which is totally understandable! I would be the same way! So don’t feel stupid for getting pregnant so fast. How were you supposed to know? And I understand, it’s probably taking you a little bit to process everything. The same thing happened to me. My bf and I were unsure if we could have kids or not. We didn’t know if we were going to struggle so we put that first. We set our marriage aside because we really wanted a baby and we didn’t know what the outcome would be. Well, we got pregnant with like the first try! It happened so fast! lol In a sense like you I felt stupid for not planning enough. We both decided to save money for a house and try for a baby at the same time.

We both thought that we would have time to save for a house because we really thought that it would take us a while to have a baby lol. Everything happened so fast! All good things tho. At the end of September my baby was born and we got our house at the end of February ❤️ so everything worked out. So don’t feel stupid! You did nothing wrong. Everything happens for a reason and you wanted a baby and honestly it is so great that you did not struggle! So congratulations to you 😊

Yea I'm w you, I have Endo and was told I might be infertile so stopped using protection and immediately got pregnant. I'm overwhelmed too, my partner and I are not married, he doesn't have a job yet and finishes grad school in two months, we don't know where we're going to love bc our lease is up in January one month before baby is due and we know we wanna find somewhere else but have no plan especially since he doesn't know his salary yet. It's a mess. My one sister and brother are talking to me but other sister hasn't responded since I told her I was pregnant (3 months ago) and I don't have a relationship w my mom. If you ever wanna chat, I'm here

@Mimi you’ve got this! Sounds like a tricky situation with so much up in the air right now with the unknowns of your partner finishing school/getting a job, finding where to live after January, etc. I wish you had more family support, but I’m grateful there are opportunities to connect on here. Im cheering you on from Peanut land

Appreciate you 🙏 grateful for peanut land lol 🫶

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