Pregnancy test

My period is late and i run on a very regular 26 day cycle today was day 29 no period and negative pregnant test. Has this happened to anyone and found out to be pregnant later? I am posting in this group as i got no response of other groups 😢 if i was to be pregnant my EDD would he around May second week.
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I think this depends on when you ovulate. You would need to usually be atleast 8 or so days after you ovulate (and that’s very early to find out and a lot of tests aren’t strong enough). If you use a strong test (early response maybe) and tits negative 3 days after your missed period. I think it would be likely you are not pregnant but test again in a few days.

I had late ovulations by 4 days with both my pregnancies. Wait a couple of days and retest 😘

Me this time! Didn't show up until I was 'late' two days. I'm guessing I ovulated a few days later as I ran out of ovulation tests that month.

Thank u everyone i have been asked to come to the GP for on the day appointment on monday. I just started my period and passing like 5 clots an hour. Absolutely terrible feeling 😢. This has nvr happened to me i only passed clots like these when i miscarried in june which was 5 weeks pregnancy. Gutted unusual things happening

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