Waiting game

Anyone else have a late first appointment I don’t have mine until the 18th I’ll be 9 weeks then😣 what are you ladies doing to wait it out and not stress
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Mines on the 23rd 😭 it’s my first actual appointment and I’ll be 10 weeks!

I just had my first appointment at 8 weeks 4 days so almost 9 weeks as well. The wait really did suck I so badly wanted to go earlier as I know some people get a blood check and all I had was my pregnancy tests and symptoms to tell me I was pregnant. The way I waited it out was honestly just keeping myself busy and going about everyday life. I tried to fill my weekends with things that kept me entertained which for me is spending time with family. Then during the week I had to work which kept me busy then after I took naps since I was super tired lol. Also when it came to the anxiety I just kept telling myself everything was okay and that if I was showing no signs of a miscarriage that everything was okay. Honestly kind of used ignorance and denial anything bad would happen (though I know there was a possibility) that however was just my way that helped.

Mine isnt until September 12th. They won't see anyone unless they're 8 weeks pregnant. I have a private ultrasound scheduled for Tuesday.

I had an oopsie with the scheduling department. I didn't know anything and thought the "last period" was when I missed my period. So when I realized the mistake and called back they couldn't get me in sooner. So now I get to wait until Oct 10th. The nurse at the clinic was super sweet and told me about some ultrasound/imaging centers nearby. They can't do any blood work of course, but they can check for size and multiples and heartbeat. Which is still peace of mind.

@Emma my oopsie (they didn't tell me when I was scheduling the appointment) is that my first appointment is actually an ultrasound in another town. I have no car so it'll cost me $20 one way by uber

@Allison Monique dang, that sucks dude.

@Emma yeah 😞 and everything was closed until Monday. So I have to wait until Monday to figure something else out

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