Baby’s first shots

Two month old baby just got his first shots today and he won’t stop crying. Is it because they hurt or because he aches? Is there anything that I could do to help his pain and he had a nap but I can’t get him to eat or sleep anymore
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Yes sometimes it can cause them to have a fever and or hurts the doctor say it’s ok to give them Tylenol but you want to give the right amount

This is pretty normal with shots. They get fussy cause they hurt and generally don’t feel good. You can give Tylenol. Your doctor should be able to tell you an appropriate dose for his weight

My baby was ok with most shots except the pneumonia one. When she got those she would cry all day. She seemed to have a really bad reaction. So I went with my instincts on that one and opted to not let her get those anymore. She got 2 doses and didn't get the third or fourth. Doctor was fine with it. Id talk to your doctor and research some about the vaccines and side effects.

usually 1.5 ml of unconcentrated tylenol!

our girl was super fussy for a few days and incredibly clingy.

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