Supply drop after getting my period

Did anyone else notice a supply drop after getting your first period? I've heard of it dropping during, but it hasn't come back up a few weeks later. I'm also noticing it's a lot harder to trigger letdowns while pumping.
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I’ve noticed the same and it sucks. It’s essentially been the near end of my BF journey. I still pump regularly to try and build supply and it helps a bit but we still have to supplement with formula. With regular pumping it increased a bit but I had to start Domperidone to help get it back up more, although I’m still an under supplier ever since. My supply dips down even further after ovulation but otherwise it tends to stay roughly the same, a bit higher during the follicular phase though which is nice! Unfortunately, I don’t really have any advice besides the usual - oats, water, coconut water/oil, brewers yeast and regular pumping but here to share that you aren’t alone. I’d recommend talking with an LC or GP about Domperidone if you are really struggling though to see if it helps! 🧡🌼

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