When to stop testing everyday

When did you stop feeling like you needed to test every day with your pregnancy post miscarriage? I’m almost out of strips but thinking I’ll buy more. I almost just wanna keep testing until my 8wk appointment.
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I stopped when I got a 3+ on a digital. If it brings you some peace,I say do it. I’m 27+4 now and still check the toilet paper after every wipe! I generally feel confident in my pregnancy at this point but it’s such a hard habit to break. Do what feels best for you

How far are you now? With my first I stopped once I got my dye stealer at 5+2 AND I had had bloodwork done. Currently 10dpo and waiting to test. Testing everyday is how I knew I had MC this summer.. so I get it and the worry. My lines were never as dark as yours though. I’d be worried about the hook effect if you continue to test to 8 weeks. Have you asked your dr for bloodwork? Or you can do it yourself for peace of mind— that’s what I’ll be doing once I get a positive ✨

@Nicole I’ll be 5wks tomorrow. What’s the hook effect?

Hook effect is when your body is producing to much hcg for the test and gives a lighter line then you may have had previously ! I have just been through this with a MMC in March I’m now 12 weeks pregnant and was also obsessed with testing. However I stopped once I started getting bloods done as it’s much more reliable. My doctor got me to do bloods every 48 hours basically until my first ultrasound at 6 weeks so I had regular reassurance !

Looking at your tests, I think you can stop.😊 You have a lovely line progressing there. Maybe use the rest of the strips and then stop. Congratulations!

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