Me and my husband recently started trying to conceive again we took a break for about a year after we had tried for two years and it was unsuccessful 😔 is there any tips and tricks you guys to conceive? I’m also clueless about the ovulation strip thing I have some any tips you guys can give me!?
As far as ovulation testing you can use the strips (will be harder to read) or you can use the clear blue digital ones I always start testing at CD 10 and I always use my first pre of the morning that’s when it’s most valuable. And I do it until I get my positive. As far as sex goes I’m starting to learn my body so I always have sex around cd 12/13 as sperm can live in you for up to 5 days as well as the day of my peak and the day after! Dr recommend you have sex 5 days before ovulation! For some people it can be hard to know when to start, it was for me like the first month or 2 of us trying because I was just getting to learn my body so we just did it ALOT! Hope this helps! You can also message me if you would like or if you have more questions 😊