Should I be concerned

I'm 26+6 rn and I have been exhausted and I haven't felt baby kicking half as much as usual the last 2 days and idk if I should be worried or not
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Have you had your glucose tested yet?

@Leah not yet I'm supposed to get it in about 2 weeks

this happens to me sometimes (slight decrease in movement but still feeling baby) and i figured out it happens whenever she’s changed positions. usually a few days later activity has picked up and i can tell she’s moved so it could possibly just be that! i would find something sugary to eat and lay down to see if you feel baby more but as always if you’re super worried you should get checked or call your nuses line :)

@Anjie thank you for your advice 🙏🏼 I'll give it a try

I usually get overly concerned when it comes to things like that. Do you still feel your baby move? I would definitely mention it to your Dr or midwife just to make sure you and baby are both okay. Feel better and best of luck!

I’m the same gestation as you, and my baby has been pretty calm too. My ob told me that a lot of babies calm down right before the first trimester and kinda chill for a week or so then back up to being really active. I’ve been extremely tired too, but i feel like it’s just normal as we’re getting further along

I’m 26+4 and I️ am sooooo tired. I️ do the kick test and baby seems fine but still. I️ definitely see how you feel.

Felt that!! I think baby is exhausted when I’m exhausted… I’m sure if it works like that. But that’s what I feel like

@Jen she's still moving and I did feel her more when I had eaten something. It's my second but my first was a boy and he moved constantly so I get worried

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