Bad ob visit

I’m 30 week pregnant. I had my routine 2 week visit today with a NP. And let me tell you I’m LIVID. I have a severe allergy to general anesthesia. It’s an extremely rare allergy and I’ve had to fight with every anesthesiologist every surgery I’ve had since I was 2 (my parents and I) to get someone to finally believe that I had an allergy. We’ve tried changing everything but the anesthesia and nothing has worked. I go into anaphylactic shock whenever I’ve had surgery besides when I’ve been given Benadryl before surgery. Because I wasn’t listened to so many times this has almost led to the end of my life because no one believed us. Well I was talking to an np today when I said I needed to speak with an anesthesiologist because of my allergy, she asked me a lot of questions, which is fine. But after I left the office she called me and basically called me a liar about my allergy, like I haven’t had to go through this song and dance so many times. She said “I don’t think you have an allergy to anesthesia” which really made me mad. How many times do I have to go over the same exact thing for someone to believe me? There is a very small chance I would need to go under general during birth, but there is still a chance which is why I need to talk to the anesthesiologist. She told me basically she thinks I’m allergic to the antibiotics given before surgery (WHICH WE HAVE TRIED CHANGING BEFORE!!!!) and I don’t need to talk to them. Idk if it’s just my hormones but I am PEEVED about this. She looked at my records from a twilight sedation endoscopy which is not the same as general anesthesia and said it wasn’t mentioned then and it’s not on my allergy list. Because we don’t exactly know if it’s the propofol or something else in the anesthesia cocktail that I’m allergic to, we haven’t put anything on my allergy list my whole life (I’m now 22). Should I contact the practice manager and complain about how she treated me? I know it’s one of the most rare allergies a person can have, and it’s hard to believe, but I don’t think that gave her any right to speak to me like that and refuse a consultation with an anesthesiologist.
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Has an allergy test ever been done on you for it? I really think that's the only way anyone will believe it. An ex friend of mine was allergic to it as well and she had to have testing done. A lot of places unfortunately will not believe you if there has been no indication of testing for it. They did the test on her arm.

@Leslie I went to an allergist but was never tested for that allergy because it’s not common, it’s very rare. There are records from the multiple surgeries I’ve had though so there is records of it. It’s just really frustrating. Especially because my allergy is so severe and it has almost ended my life. It’s like pulling teeth to get someone to just simply give me Benadryl before which isn’t fair at all because at this point it’s not just my life they’re playing with, it’s my babies as well.

While I understand there's surgical records, unless it was noted in your chart somewhere, they won't acknowledge it. I'd push for testing from an allergist and explain your history to them. I know it sucks to fight with people but continue to advocate for yourself

Yup I'd file a complaint. I'm so tired of gaslighting Dr's that are straight up trying to murder us all the time because they think they are so clever. Your ego is not worth my life

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